Author: pauljrowland


Games Compatibility

The table on this page lists all games with notes about its installation and workings. If you have a game that is not yet on this list, please submit it using the form below...


Wish List

This list contains all features we still want in Windows Server 2012 and are working on at the forum. If you have any wishes, please leave a comment or place a request at the...


Wireless Networking

Out of the box, Windows Server 2012 doesn’t support Wireless LAN. In the following steps, we will install support for connecting to wireless networks. 1. Start the Server Manager and click the Add roles...


Windows 8 UI Internet Explorer

Even after installing the Desktop Experience feature, the Internet Explorer tile in the Start screen still runs Internet Explorer on the classic desktop. This registry hack will make Internet Explorer run as Windows 8...


Enable Sound

By default, Windows Server 2012 has disabled audio because probably most servers won’t need it. This page will help you to enable audio in Windows Server 2012. Open the Start screen, click Administrative Tools...


Owner Information

By default Windows Server 2012 is installed with Windows User as owner and an empty Organization name. In many programs you install like Microsoft Office or Microsoft Visual Studio these are set as default...


Visual Effects and Thumbnails

By default Windows Server is not really configured for visual glamor. The Start screen and menus aren’t animated and in Windows Explorer no thumbnails of images are shown. This page will guide you through...

Select Language ยป