Why should I use a Server OS for my Workstation??

Probably you are thinking at the moment: “Why the heck should I use Windows Server 2008 as my Workstations Operating System?? Vista works fine for me…”.

The answer is clear: Windows Server 2008 has almost exactly the same features as Windows Vista (SP1), but is remarkably faster and more stable! People say: “It’s Windows Vista without the bloat“!

Here are six great benchmarks which compare Windows Vista [SP1] against Windows Server 2008:

Beside the speed, Windows Server 2008 also includes:

  • Microsoft Internet Information Services 7: Fully featured webserver;
  • Hyper-V: Virtualization integrated in the Operating System.
  • Terminal Services: Work with multiple users simultaneously on one fast PC.
  • Much more!

Download and install Windows Server 2008 Now!!

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72 Responses

  1. Burton Haynes says:

    I am usually not a fan of Microsoft, but this was pretty sweet. (Sorry, my Indonesian is not very good :P)

  2. Stan Stennett says:

    Will this work on converting Windows 7 64bit to Windows Server 2008

  3. Gian - Luigi Valle says:

    This sounds great. Windows Server 2008 is so much cheaper than even XP. Been looking how to “hack” it for a while thanks

  4. VistaDevil says:

    I guess some people DO believe in Open Source Software and Linux… True, you can customise it and lose time writing some drivers and utilities instead of working. Yes, there are some big guys using this kind of technology too. But the naked truth is that 8 in every 10 computers use a propietary OS. Now, what is the big deal about that Bill Gates and Microsoft dominating the World?

    Of course I use Windows Server 2008 and I want it to look and behave like a regular PC. I use it for work and I use for entertainment and I use it for playing games and I use it for what not… Hell… I even have a Virtual Machine running CentOS & Asterisk that is hosted under Windows Server 2008.

    Linux is ok if you have low-end computer and don’t mind doing everything yourself (that’s why it is free), but after certain age one shouldn’t have a coin shortage and that’s where Windows Server 2008 comes to the rescue!

  5. Abhi says:

    I am guessing this is for replacing Vista.

    How does the Win 2008 compare with Win 7?

  6. Shakur Ali says:

    I’m planning a new compute purchase in the next week. I currently run Windows Server 2003. So, my debate is Window 7 or Server 2008?

    I want the terminal server feature, but I not really need it. IIS is great for me, but it would only be to play around.

    My questions is am I sacrificing anything with 08, just to have terminal server and IIS?

    Thank for this page. It has been allot of help.

  7. Steve says:

    @Stephen D

    Yes, it works fine. I’ve had no problems upgrading from 2008 to 2008 R2. However, Windows 7 has a lot more functionality than Vista did, and using 2008 R2 is not necessary to get the server-style backup features, software RAID, etc. Also, using Windows 7 allows you to use Microsoft’s new free anti-virus solution and Windows XP mode. These features aren’t available in 2008 R2… shame. If you’re doing a fresh OS install, I’d say use Windows 7 unless you need IIS or other server roles (such as terminal server).

  8. Stephen D says:

    Anybody tried 2008 RC2 as a workstation?

  9. Anonymous says:

    How can I install Nero?

    Arris: Take a look at the forum.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I am using 2008 now and i am amaze!!!!No words.The best thing since xp?Not for novice user though

  11. Jim says:

    I guess I should amend my earlier post. The obvious question is what do U want to use the computer for? My needs are actually very basic. MS Office 2007, Utorrent, Firefox. I think I did read something about problems using Auction Sniper but I wasn’t sure if that was the OS problem or the firewall compatibility issue. Have I over simplified my question about which OS should best soot my needs?

    Arris: Newer operating systems like Vista and Server 2008 are of course slower than OS’s like XP and Server 2003. This is just because the newer OS’s were designed to run on newer hardware. However the older operating systems will have fewer features so it’s up to you to decide which operating system suits your needs.

  12. Jim says:

    Ok, so I’m confused. In an early thread I thought I saw someone mention that windows server 2003 works better then Vista. If U just want to setup a kick but workstation, no web page building or online gaming, what’s the simplest way to go. I bought a (used) dual processor mother board & thought I would just try to build a fast computer. Didn’t even realize at the time it was a server/workstation mbo.

  13. Henry says:

    It will still show as a server install

  14. Frontdesk says:

    does this show on a network as a workstation or a server install?

  15. Reece says:

    I have used Windows Vista Ultimate (64 Bit ) since the day it came out, I like Vista a lot better than XP, but once I loaded Windows 2008 Server Enterprise (64 Bit), I was blown away by the speed difference. , I have configured 2008 server to run like a work station, After running a few Benchmark tests, it showed the increase in Performance, I think this is something I will keep doing as time goes on, it’s like Night and Day 🙂

  16. Matt says:

    Yeah Dreamspark is a lifesaver for us students.
    They only give you Windows Server Standard 32-bit though. Better than nothing, mind you.
    You can also get Visual Studio Pro for free.

    Arris: According to this comment it is also possible to activate the x64 edition of Windows Server 2008 with a x86 serial.

  17. anonymous says:

    how bout windows 7 performance compare with windows server 2008?

  18. Chudddds says:

    Anyone running R2 yet ?

  19. Arne And says:

    I am running 2003 server both home and at work, and I would just say that I wouldn’t really recommend it to anyone less geeky than myself.
    The reason is that I have met some obstacles regarding drivers and software that won’t install. Its only a handful, like printer drivers, antivirus, MS Active Sync.
    If you want a faster Vista, you could consider tinyVista.

  20. tom says:

    if university student, go to dreamspark.com and you can get server 2008 free or server 2003

  21. benkenobi says:

    For anyone who ask for the price…

    Remember that a Technet plus submission just cost : 349$

    And for that price you can use all Soft you want… Windows Server, Vista, Office…

    some choices to make,
    I make mine…

  22. Eric says:

    Is there any real difference between running enterprise or standard on the desktop?

    Arris: See this topic for more info about the different versions.

  23. inquisitive_mind says:

    Hi guys,
    I aquired a copy through the dream spark program (great initiative) mentioned above. I was wondering, is using virtual pc to test for individual softwares the best approach for compatability?
    I am thinking of making the switch from my old OEM xp. Thanks for the support and i think this is a great site, lots of great information.

    Arris: I think it is a good approach. The only thing you can’t test in a Virtual Machine are the drivers you ‘ll need in Server 2008 and software that uses 3D acceleration. (However, I know VMWare Workstation does support Direct3D). If you really want to be sure, create a dual boot and remove the Windows XP OS if everything works fine.

  24. WINuser says:

    Thanks! I’m 100% convinced now to do what should be done 🙂

    Arris: Good to hear that! If you need any support, don’t hesitate to ask your question on the Forums! 😉

  25. WINuser says:

    Only one question before installing WS2008 (Enterprise) – how much disc space requires clean install? I have 15gb partition – will it be enough?

    Arris: A clean installation of Windows Server 2008 x86 takes 6GB; an installation of Windows Server 2008 x64 takes 10GB.

  26. Dimas says:

    Hi guys! Thank you so much for all these informations and tweak stuff. Everythin works cool! Windows Server 2008 is a fantastic operating system I have ever seen. I am a video operator and video editor and we can not work without WIN platform, Linux is nothing in this way, believe me! Bye and enjoy using w2k8 🙂

    Arris: I’m glad you got Windows Server 2008 up & running! 😉 You have a nice website btw!

  27. cp says:

    The “Heroes Happen Here” launch gave US attendees Vista Ultimate. Canadian attendees, however, received a non-time-limited, uncrippled Windows Server 2008 Standard. That would be a really good reason to use a server OS as a workstation OS.

    American university students can get free copies of 2008 Server Standard also through a program called DreamSpark. That would be a really good reason to use a server OS as a workstation OS.

  28. Duo says:


    You are right on the money. Microsoft did not become #1 because of some spell they cast on the firth night of the second moon cycle when the sky was red and purple…

    They had a great idea, they marketed it very well, they expanded and added features that customers asked for.

    The only reason that Windows is the preferred gaming OS right now is the invention of Direct X. Direct X allows for software developers to program for one hardware type… Direct X. If developers had to include commands for all the 3D Accelerators, Sound Cards, and Input Devices, we would be looking at games who only supported particular manufacturers because development and support costs would be so high that they could not support all hardware. Direct X allows for hardware manufacturers to have a standard to interface to, and give software developers a standard to interface to. This way everyone only needs to support one hardware profile (Direct X) which keeps development costs and support costs much lower than they would be if Direct X did not exist.

    Anywho, getting off topic… Erickson, you did a fine job. It the people did not want Windows, it would have never been so widespread. Linux is impossible to implement as a standard OS because there are not any restrictions, no guarantees that one Linux system is the same as the next. Ubuntu is the closest distro to accomplish this, but they even have a long way to go.

    And that is just my 42 cents.

  29. lemonadesoda says:


    “The only reason I made the switch over to XP SP1 was for wireless support. There is a built in security feature in Server 2003 that disables the use of wireless NIC’s as they are unsecure. I never did find a workaround for that.”

    Rubbish! W2K3 runs wireless a/g/n absolutely fine. I use W2K3 on my P3 laptop, P4EE and Core2Quad desktops, and P-M NAS. W2K3 also syncs with PDAs 100%. (WMobile 5 and 6 and 6.1 and Activesync 4.5).

    I think you might be confusing bluetooth issues.

  30. Erickson says:

    @Anony-coward: Imagine a world where one gets laid by the /same/ person every night, and still has a stress-free life. Where one can indulge in hobbies and things of interest. Where one can use triple periods and not commas, or proper punctuation in general. When you meet me here I’ll make sure to buy you a drink. 😉

    “And the only reason it is so widely used is because all the computer and peripheral makers build only for windows.” (read: The only reason it’s so widely used is because it is so widely used)
    Windows was the first operating system that was user friendly with a GUI (graphical user interface). It was a huge step up from DOS, and I for one loved Windows 3.1. It was quickly adopted by the masses as the savior of PC-kind, and became the standard for home and business workstations.

    “[Do] you know why[?]”
    I think I just said so, but tell us in your divine wisdom.

    “Simpl[y] because it is so crappy[.] [And they know it], they just won´t tell anyone that it slows the computer down[. W]hich causes most computer users to get a new PC”
    You’re saying companies sell an operating system because it’s crappy. Interesting business move, lets see if it works out for them. Most computer users buy a new PC so that they can run hardware intensive software (ie Video Games and media editors). Many people are forced to buy a new computer for new operating systems merely because they bought the bare minimum specs for the last operating system.

    “(lots [of] money going to the computer maker, and to the peripheral makers due to the fact that they sell to the computer maker),”
    I suggest you buy from NewEgg. Buying parts separately means you aren’t forced to get anything you do not want (ie Dell, HP, AlienWare).

    “update the computer (money going to the peripheral makers)”
    No, it doesn’t. Drivers and Windows Updates are entirely free. Unless you’re talking about an “upgrade” (which you just mentioned before your first use of the word ‘peripheral’). In which case, see my previous comment. Hardware purchases send revenue to the retailer (ie Dell, HP, NewEgg) and to the hardware developer (ie AMD/ATI, Nvidia, Seagate). Software developers get money when they sell their software. Often computer companies like HP and Dell bundle Windows with their computers. But you do not have to buy an OS when you buy a computer. … You really like the word “peripheral” don’t you. Did you just learn that word in your 6th grade vocab list?

    “send it to the computer maker´s tech support (again more money going to the computer maker)”
    No, it doesn’t. I’m not really sure what Windows has to do with hardware failure, but whatever. Hardware replacement under warranty as the case usually is when sending to tech support is on the company’s penny. Tech Support is a thankless, profitless job. I know. It’s where my federal work study is.

    “The computer and peripheral makers KNOW that if they preloaded linux this wouldn´t happen as frequently”
    Again, what does an OS have to do with hardware? Hardware warranties will be the same if you opt to not buy an OS.

    “(not to mention that “security software” vendors would be out of business due to the lack of a market for their warez)”
    If Linux became the new standard operating system lots of things would happen. First of all, Linux’s open source code, and customization would insure that support for the operating system would be a logistical nightmare. It’s simply not fit for widescale standardization. That’s what makes it a great OS in its own right. Additionally if it became the standard, hackers, crackers, and black hats would start coding malware, warez, etc faster than you can say “but Linux isn’t supposed to have this stuff”. This is what is happening to Leopard OSX.

    “[They chose to preload the crappiest OS knowing that it would make them *b*illion*air*es at our expense.]”
    You’re not too familiar with capitalism are you? Or competition? Crappy software does not, a BillionAIRe, make. Microsoft developed a monopoly of the OS field decades ago. They had a “good” idea and it made them rich. Good for them. I’d prefer to have that money, but I haven’t discovered a software niche of my own yet. Now-a-days there is competition. Especially from Apple. If Microsoft continues to release operating systems like Vista they will lose their customers.

    “Obviously the software makers got caught in the [monopoly] and had to make their apps for windows.”
    Bias aside, Windows is a great platform for gaming and business related applications. Much better than Mac or Linux. However I’d be impressed if you found non-gaming software that wasn’t multiplatform.

    I’m starting to get a headache. I wonder if you actually use Linux. Or have ever.

  31. Anonymous says:


  32. hambeet says:

    Ptero-4, you forgot to mention that the moon landing is fake and aliens are real.

    The truth is out there my tin foil hatted friend.

  33. Ptero-4 says:

    For those of you windoze fans. I got to tell you something. Windows is crap. And the only reason it is so widely used is because all the computer and peripheral makers build only for windows. And you know why.
    Simple because it is so crappy (AND THEY KNOW IT, they just won´t tell anyone) that it slows the computer down which causes most computer users to get a new PC (lotsa money going to the computer maker, and to the peripheral makers due to the fact that they sell to the computer maker), update the computer (money going to the peripheral makers) or send it to the computer maker´s tech support (again more money going to the computer maker). The computer and peripheral makers KNOW that if they preloaded linux this wouldn´t happen as frequently (not to mention that “security software” vendors would be out of business due to the lack of a market for their warez) and so THEY CHOSE TO PRELOAD THE CRAPPIEST OS KNOWING THAT IT WOULD MAKE THEM MILLIONARIES AT OUR EXPENSE. Obviously the software makers got caught in the shit and had to make their apps for windows.

  34. dmx says:

    The suggestions, re linux on Vista, or 2008.

    Google up andlinux. Its neat. Lets you run linux as a native windows process, and has a full ubuntu distribution. End result is you can run linux apps as if they where windows apps, and it integrates pretty nicely. Its a bit fussy, and doesnt really handle suspend/hibernate that well, but its worth it if you know your way around linux.

  35. CK says:

    Sigh…so silly. Everything has its place…

    You make OS decisions based on many factors. Sometimes it is as simple as what you like or are used to.

    I used to think that Macs were cool till I got one. Turns out I was too old to re-learn and went back to Windows. (yah, Vista) Shoot me…I like it.

    All these guys trying real hard to get Windows 2008 working as a workstation would probably do it anyway because I have to believe that it is something they like to do. Just like my friends that sit up all night long tweaking Linux or those that play Halo for 17 hours straight.

    None of us are probably too socially acceptable 😉 (nerds/geeks) c’mon, who else would get all uptight over what OS they are running.


  36. DOStradamus says:

    I’ve been running the “Server” versions of Windows as the “Primary OS” of the (desktop!) computer I do 95% of my work with, since 1998, when I loaded an unused copy of NT4 Server on my box, just to play with it. As my internet connection at that time was “about 100 feet of CAT-5” (my office was in the same building as my ISP at that time), I immediatey appreciaed all the extra network goodies that it provided me. As I upgraded through W2k Server to 2k3 Server and now 2k8, I’m now committed to “never going back”.

    Only thing that irritates my about 2k8, is the “bundling” of WMP with the desktop enhancements. I see only one real use for all the overly-DRM-enthusiastic Windows Media.* — tell MS that they should “install” it where the Sun don’t shine! (I’m a VLC evavgelist!)

    I’m compiling a list of all of the WMP “stowaways” in the Desktop Experience package — most importantly hijacked file associathns and new Services that start at bootup, or could be triggered to start without WMP being explicitly started bt *me*. Then, and only then, I’ll run Aero.

    HINT FOR SERVER “NEWBIES”: BEWARE when calling anyone’s tech support department — NEVER SAY “2008 Server” SAY “Vista SP1” INSTEAD.

    In the last 10 years, I’ve been told by a few “script-following outsourced morons” things like “(product) does not run on servers”. While 2k3 Server actually was a slight;y different OS than XP (later “branch” off the Windows “trunk”), providing a 25% probability it *actually was*, drivers and apps OK with 2k Pro, were equally OK with 2k Server. This will also be tha case with Vista and 2k8 Server.

    Vista Home is a YUGO
    Vusta Pro is a MINIVAN
    ’08 Server is a MACK TRUCK…
    Run it “bobtail” and blow the doors off of the Vista boxes!


  37. @Mozzi:
    There’s a list of things Windows does a lot better still. And many of the so-called alternatives that exist are all basically useless in the end. It’s explainable with simple math too: About 90% of internet connected users use a MS Win OS. Therefore the software that exists for these systems is far more developed. More complaints, more drivers, more feedback, more power, more support.

    I do a lot of audio, video and photo work and it’s just sad to see all the linux rivals or alternatives do not match up against tools like SoundForge, Vegas Pro, MeGUI, Adobe PS CS3, TotalCommander, TextPad and I can go on for hours on end. The software just isn’t as good as you claim it is for linux desktop/workstation usage.
    Not to mention the config hassle with wireless USB antennas, camcorders etc. You go try convert the AVCHD files from your camcorder to something usable. It’s a disaster if you try that in Linux.

    If you’re talking server apps, sure, linux does a better job.

  38. Mozzi says:

    Heya all

    1)why use virtualpc 2007? Virtualbox works just as good and costs nothing even better it runs on Linux and Windows.
    2) Linux is not hard @ all try the new Ubuntu it is even easier than Windows, it does it all for you!
    3) There are several cases where big corporates use Linx on the desktop
    there are a lot of government organisations too. We actually boot linux thin clients and launch citrix from there.
    4) On the server nothing beats Linux, they don’t even come close!
    5) If Windows is so much better why are the majority of webservers on the net Apache + Linux?
    6) And all the DNS servers? All the root DNS servers?

    My list can go on and on, but yes, the market is dominated by windows currantly.

  39. Wilson says:

    Totally Agree With Guy..

  40. Guy says:

    It may work better, but the cheapest non-crippled Windows Server 2008 I could find (Standard Edition) is $700, and it includes 5 client licenses you’ll never wind up using… Microsoft won’t sell it without either an additional device client license or those user client licenses.

    Vista Ultimate OEM can be had around $190, Retail can be had for $250.

    Also, that multi-thousand dollar MSDN subscription you’re paying for comes with the OS for testing purposes only… check your EULA. It’s not intended for production use (which would be what you’re using it for on a daily basis).

    How badly do you want that extra 10% – 15% performance gain? You’re better off spending the difference in cash on more memory or a beefier CPU.

  41. Wilson says:

    (To Consultant went too far.. Have you forgot about Google, Nasa,Dreamworks, etc they all use linux for the desktop. PS: Do A Little Research Yourself, it seems that 12 years ain’t enough)

    I’ve used Windows 2003 Server as a workstation, and it works very well, very few incompatibilities for 3rd party software it’s really ideal for anyone working with windows development. if anyone is unsure about it, get Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 and try your 3rd party software there. Then Make the Switch. 😛

    This will make a lot of sense to VS2008 Developers, but for the public it may not that attractive.

    As For Linux, Linux has tons of good things but for VS2008 Developers it won;t be any good. Linux support other platforms like java and its Cross Platform VM.

    The Desicion All Depends on how do you see things for you, and the company you are working on.


  42. Kris says:

    Can anyone give a list of services to disable to make vista run faster?
    @ linux fanboys your daddy called your step brothers (BSD guys) a bunch of “masturbating monkeys”. What a shame.. actually you all are the same.. And why do you lurk around in windows forums.. Linux sucks.. I’ll give you zillion reasons for that..

  43. Kris says:

    Can anyone give a list of services to disable to make vista run faster?
    @ linux fanboys your daddy called your step brothers (BSD guys) a bunch of “masturbating monkeys”. What a shame..

  44. GDI Lord says:

    >I am asking sincerely what Server 2008 workstation
    > has that makes it better than the Mac OS X
    > experience with Leopard.

    “Developers. Developers. Developers.” Any luck running VS2008 in Leopard?

  45. If someone is willing to buy a copy of Server 2008 and use it for a workstation, why is this better than paying the Apple tax and buying a nice Mac. I am not trying to be a wise guy. I am asking sincerely what Server 2008 workstation has that makes it better than the Mac OS X experience with Leopard. I would really like to hear some good answers to this question…

  46. Consultant says:

    All you Linux fanboys should go play. Why are you posting here, bored with trying to find open source apps that actually work? You crack me up with ‘proprietary this’ and ‘proprietary that’ — I’m a consultant for Fortune 100 companies and not a single one uses Linux as a corporate standard desktop… none. If you don’t know what a big deal that is you are clueless about operating systems, corporations, and what it takes to support a corporate desktop. Is Windows “better” than Linux… at some things yes, at some things no. But the items in the yes category easily out weigh the no category. There are many studies done on this… go do research, work in the field for 12 yrs, and then post a reply. See you in 12 yrs.

  47. jrj says:

    for the visual studio developer above – check out mono.

  48. Weblord pepe says:

    You know, people really do goof around with Windows a lot. Reading through this, all the restrictions you people are running into are just ones imposed by Microsoft. E.g. license limitations, or unavailability of software developers,

    This is what ‘free’ software is about (linux/Firefox/etc): Freedom to do what you like, not just free as-in $$$$$. Proprietary systems like Windows are all about restrictions like in this thread.

    If you guys weren’t stuck needing Windows for specific applications (e.g. Direct X games, Visual Studio, other proprietary platforms) then you wouldn’t encounter such retardly restrictions. You could use any platform, any GUI, any components.

    You know, this why you can find a million and 1 different linux variants for different types of computing situations.

    It’s pretty evident how much Microsoft is stopping you guys from getting what you want out of your PC here.

  49. MadKat says:

    This is exactly what I did when XP/Server 2003 first came out. Windows Server 2003 is an extremely fast, powerful and slimmed down version of XP that supports almost the exact same set of features and products. I could install Server 2003 on a system with minimal resources and still have it running amazingly well.

    The only reason I made the switch over to XP SP1 was for wireless support. There is a built in security feature in Server 2003 that disables the use of wireless NIC’s as they are unsecure. I never did find a workaround for that. I’m unsure if it has carried into Server 2008.

  50. William Morton says:

    Would this be suitable as a gaming platform as well? IE I’d like to be able to continue playing WoW and a few other applications as well…

  51. Peter Brewer says:

    I personally run Linux with XP in a virtual machine for Visual Studio.

  52. John Duval says:

    Is everyone missing the most obvious deal-breaker to this solution? Developers will have no problem with this if they have an MSDN or Technet subscription, but the rest of us don’t have the cash to shell out $600 for a license of Server 2008 for our PCs at home…

  53. Buanzo says:

    Gilberto, then use dual-boot: Use Linux for pleasure, internet, etc, and Windows for Visual Studio. I really can’t be sure this might work for you, but it’s an unmentioned alternative here.

  54. Excellent idea, I will have a try… Unfortunately, as Nick suggests, I can’t use Linux as I’m developing with Visual Studio 2008 🙂

  55. Nick says:

    Or you know, you could just use Linux and stop having to put up with this kind of nonsense.

  56. nagasama says:

    i love the way it runs, but i am having trouble finding drivers for a few things.
    most of these things i dont really need, like the drivers for my razer tarantula.
    some, i would really like to have, like the utilities for my asus p5q-pro…which do NOT install with this OS.
    its give or take. love the 64 bit system, and it really is beautiful to look at.
    overall, four thumbs up.

  57. Tksl says:

    I just tested max mem in server x86 and for me is 3.2gb (4096mb on board)

    Arris: The memory limit for Server 2008 x86 is 4GB using Physical Address Extension. To force Windows to use PAE enter the following command in the Command Prompt and restart: BCDEdit /set PAE ForceEnable

  58. Intel 80486 DX2 says:

    Is it possible to write a setup-sequence that en- or disable the registry settings of a running vista system to get the same performance of win server 08 available for people who are not so sure in changing registry settings?

  59. if only Windows Vista was like this, the way you can customize and control what to install features I think this is the next best thing after Windows XP

    users are not that too stupid to customize everything on their computer

    I’m so impressed with Server OS 2008
    this is the first time I used a server OS on a workstation and I’ll use this until Windows 7 comes

    I thought i’ll be stuck at XP forever ^_^

  60. jamie says:

    I just installed it and did this process.. wow does it run fast.. I’m so impressed.

  61. adrian oprea says:

    WS2008 x32 standard it use 4 Gb of Ram ?
    Or only it show only instaled phisical memory
    but ussable memory is under 3.5 Gb like Vista SP1 ?

    Arris: Specifications of the different versions can be found here. You can use 4GB on a x86 system using Physical Address Extension but your system will run slower, so I advise to install a 64bit version!

  62. steve ball says:

    How to dual boot?I did it.
    For example take a standart 160 gb sata disk.
    Make 4 equal partition.Be carefull 4 primary partition
    not logical partition.
    Firstly.set up WinXP SP2 in first partition.
    Then install win vista in second free partition.
    and then set up 2008 32 bit in 3rd free partition…
    then boot from dvd and install win2008 64 bit in 4th
    free partition…
    windows boot manager will automatically configure boot menu.
    you should set up operating systems from older to newer of course.

  63. binjai says:

    Are there any guides on how to dual-boot WinXP SP2 with WinServer 2008 x64 Enterprise? sorry if OT


    Arris: Try the manual from the Intel Softwareblogs and use as XP booting settings, the configuration at tech-recipes.com. That should work… If there are more people who want this, I’ll make a tutorial.

  64. Anonymouse says:

    Uncripple Windows XP to allow more than 10 concurrent connections for IIS, allow more than 1 root website,


  65. Anonymous says:

    Microsoft Internet Information Services 7: Fully featured webserver;
    Vista has it too, but limited to 10 simultaneous connections since it’s not a server OS.

    Hyper-V: Virtualization integrated in the Operating System.
    When released Vista will get it too

    Terminal Services: Work on one PC simultaneously.
    Vista has it too…

  66. Mike says:

    Vista can’t perform as fresh install of Windows Server 2008, unless you disable almost all services. Windows 2008 can perform as bad as Vista when you load it with lots of services and anti virus.

    I have to hard disk for my laptop – one with Vista SP1 and one with Windows 2008, when both have all same services running – I really can’t see any difference in the performance!

    If you make your strip down installation copy (vlite) of Vista, remove all the features/services you dont need – it will perform 10 times better than before and you’ll still have the few desktop features (like Media Center).

  67. Rik Hemsley says:

    If 2008 and Vista are pretty much identical, would it be possible to ‘fix’ Vista so that it performs the same as 2008? If so, how? It would be interesting to find out what’s slowing it down.

  68. invalid_character says:

    I want an OS that really manages available memory to its fullest and has a much more robust filing system than NTFS. I think those are the reason WS2008 is the choice for anyone. The other stuff mentioned above is nice but unless you are a web hoster I can’t see why it is much more useful than, say, W2K pro or XP pro.

    Big problem for me is still the huge gap in available software vs. the popular workstation OS’s. I have a zillon utilities and always want “one more”. The world of 3rd party stuff that makes a PC cool to use exists as 32 bit XP executables and will be for a long while to come.

    If I had the brainpower to compile my own stuff, I’d be running Linux and that would be the end of the discussion ;-))

    Arris: You can try if all your 3rd party stuff works by installing Windows Server 2008 x86 in Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. This way you can also learn the “difficult” Linux 😉

  69. Just Me says:

    “Work on one PC simultaneously.”???? I already do that now.

  70. nobody says:

    Hyper-V it’s RC0 in server2008

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