Disable Ctrl+Alt+Del Prompt

To disable the Ctrl+Alt+Del prompt at the logon screen, we will disable this security feature in the Local Security Policies.

1. Open the Start screen and click the Administrative Tools icon.
Administrative Tools at Start screen

2. In Administrative Tools folder, double click the Local Security Policy icon, expand Local Policies and click Security Options. In the right pane search and open Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL and choose Enabled. Save the policy change by clicking OK.
Disable CTRL+ALT+DEL in Local Security Policy Editor


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5 Responses

  1. Rod says:

    Where do I find the “Alt” button?

  2. emre a says:

    is anyone know how to make “press ctrl alt del to login” prompt invisible? i mean i don’t want to see that text on my logon screen. but still want to use ctrl alt del to login.

  3. Franky says:

    Thanks a lot. Helped resolve a lot of headache

  4. Floyd Burger says:

    How do I report ALL of these comments as blog-comment-spam?

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