Start Screen Alternatives
While many are trying to get used to the new Start screen, others immediately want to get the classic Start menu back.
The list of alternatives for the Start screen can be found here and is maintained by forum member hoak.
Of course you can, just enable the Desktop Experience. Look at the whole website, you find a step by step guide.
Also check the forum.
Hello Lotusisrael
and relly thank you for this guide
it is relly going to the app store under domain
thanks again
hello there
and Hello Lotusisrael
i have one more question
does it posible to active UI Boot on the server 2012 like as windows 8 Boot UI
that if we install the server as the second os besides the windows 7 for example are we able to active turn our Boot on the UI Boot or not ?
I really appreciate your help in this matter
thanks a lot of
hope you have nice time
hi there
thanks for tutrial website
i have a question about windows server 2012
does it posible to go to the app store on windows server 2012 or not?
i insalled it about 5 month ego bot there is not store app in the startscreen
but in some of screenshot ive seen before about it in the some tutorial websites i found it out it semms posible to reach to the appstore
noe help me to find the fact about it out this is a posible or not more than a dream that some body had told about it and will posible in the next version of the windows server ?
hope you ll be luky and have very good time……